We are committed to providing an array of Services designed to give our customers comprehensive support and information in the pre- and post-implementation of any or all of our iShare management modules.
The process begins with a business process analysis to determine where data, document management and workflow fit in and can greatly augment current processes. We follow with an implementation plan that outlines the areas of benefit and required technology infrastructure to support the software plan. We provide on-site installation and training services as well as Web-based training as the backbone of document management success. Additional training and periodic webinars are available to re-enforce the onsite or Web-based training and system documentation.
Beyond the implementation, we have you covered with our iShare Care and CarePlus 24/7 support plans. All customers covered by a support plan have access to our help desk and forums where they can search our knowledge base or post their own solutions.
Being the designers of iShare, we are in a unique position to provide powerful customization to tailor the software to your specific needs. Our staff has expertise in a variety of environments and languages platforms and has customized incredible solutions for some of our most demanding users.