iShare is one of the most comprehensive information and document management solutions available for business and government applications. By combining iShare technology with powerful application software, hundreds of users in business, manufacturing, agencies, law firms and government are enjoying streamlined, paperless transactions. Whether you perform retail, corporate, medical or government business, iShare is complete with features developed specifically for your requirements.
Stay Current, Stay Competitive
Our business is managing data and documents. As your clients demand that you handle more data and document formats, character recognition, information downloads, web access, advanced reporting formats like Excel or XML data exchange, our firm is dedicated to take you there. We are your technology partner. Staying current with the latest technology features, means staying competitive and proving the highest level of service for your clients to ultimately take on more business.
Solutions By Industry
Integrated Solutions
Integrating iShare with existing Line-of-Business Applications
Document management systems are most effective when they complement and leverage original investments in business application software, network infrastructures and equipment. iShare has been designed from the ground-up to be easily integrated into most business applications. In fact, iShare enjoys over a decade of successful deployment as a powerful component of some of the world best software solutions including Financial, Accounts Payable, Wholesale Distribution, Patient Billing, and Litigation, to name a few. Full-blown enterprise software as well as departmental solutions are greatly enhanced when transactional business documents can be linked to important data records for display at crucial points in the business workflow.
iShare comes out-of-the-box with Electronic Document Enabling (EDE) for a wide variety of platforms. These include the following non-programming and programming methods:
Screen Activation/Scraping
Web Services
Microsoft .Net Objects
Microsoft COM Components
Legacy Software Developers Kit (SDK) for Universe, JBase, D3, (and other MultiValue flavors)
In addition to the above tools, iShare includes prebuilt Document Management Modules for a variety of applications. Also included are our Document Management Application builder wizards that allow non-programmers to build complete document management solutions that are ready to use.